Advanced Testing concepts

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A talk including async rendering in react testing library and how to order your queries for best results


Advanced Testing concepts

Another CodingWithCallum™️ Session


This presentation was written using obsidian slides which is why the markdown looks a little weird, see attached PDF output and notes of every slide.

Everything underneath "note" below are speaker notes to remind me what to talk about

What are we going to talk about?

  • Async rendering in React Testing Library (RTL)
    • wtf is act
  • Ordering queries in RTL (a11y, eg. getByRole > getByDataId)


This is going to be a more advanced talk where I expect an understanding of testing at high level

If you don't understand any of the core concepts please send me a message so I can organise another sessinon around this

I've only got an hour so will get through as much as I can


  • Async = Asynchronous
  • RTL = React Testing Library
  • MSW = Mock Service Worker
  • Abbrev = Abbreviation

Async rendering in React Testing Library

Wtf is this act warning and why do i see it all the time?

When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...):  
act(() => {  
  /* fire events that update state */  
/* assert on the output */  
This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser. Learn more at

But Why?

React is trying to warn us something happened when we expected nothing to happen at all

This can happen, before, during or after (most likely) the test


There was an async rendering event that occured during or after the test ended

Example 1: Async Updates

const ShowName = () => {
  const [person, setPerson] = useState();
  const handleFetch = useCallback(async () => {
    const { data } = await fetchData(); // Returns { name: "Callum" }
    setPerson(data.person); // <- Asynchronous update
  }, []);
  return (
	<button type="button" onClick="handleFetch">
	    {person ? : "Fetch"}
it("should fetch persons name", () => {
  render(<ShowName />);"Fetch"));


Running the above test will result in a "not wrapped in act" error triggers fetchData to be called, which is an async call We are asserting on text "Callum" to exist immediately and not waiting for fetch to return to make the assertion

Example 1: Sequence

graph TD
A[] -->|assert 'Callum' exists| B(fetchData) -->C(setPerson) --> D(rerender) --> E("'Callum' rendered")

Example 1: Solution

it("should fetch persons name", async () => {
  render(<ShowName />);"Fetch"));
  expect(screen.getByText("Fetch names")).toBeInTheDocument();
  expect(await screen.findByText("Callum")).toBeInTheDocument(); // same as waitFor -> getByText


So on first render we know that the "Fetch names" <h1> exists in the code so we can get that element immediately but we need to assert on the component once it has finishing updating

Before assertions, wait for component update to fully complete by using waitForwaitFor is an API provided by React testing library to wait for the wrapped assertions to pass within a certain timeout window.

Example 2: Timers

const Toast = () => {
  const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(true);
  useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => { setIsVisible(false); }, 1000); // hide after 1 seconds
  }, []);
  return isVisible && <div>Toast!</div>;
it("should display Toast for 1 second", () => {
  render(<Toast />);


Let's say you need a setTimeout or setInterval for some reason

Our test utalises jest's useFakeTimers functionality to manipulate time (Timelord Callum has a nice ring to it) BUT Advancing timers in this case takes milliseconds to run the function to tell jest to advance the timers but not to run the advanceTimer function itself So the call stack will be jest.advanceTimersByTime for 1ms then immediately query for Toast which will fail, the test will end then the timers will advance by 1 second causing a act error

Example 2: Sequence

graph TD
A[jest.advanceTimersByTime] -->|assert 'Toast' not exists| B(advances by 1 second) --> D(rerender) --> E("'Toast!' removed")

Example 2: Solution

it("should display Toast for 1 second", () => {
  render(<Toast />);
  act(() => { // Actually wrap it in an act 😅


Wrap Jest’s timer manipulations in an act block, so test will know that advancing time will cause component to update This effectively changes the call stack now to jest.advanceTimersByTime > advance by 1 second > query for Toast > finish test

Example 3: Premature Exit

const ShowName = () => {
  const { loading, data } = await fetchData(); // Returns { name: "Callum" }
  return loading && data?.name ? (
  ) : (
it("should display loading state", () => {
  const render(<ShowName />);
  expect(screen.getByText("Loading ...")).toBeInTheDocument();


This test will pass, BUT, the it block exists before the data comes back and the rerender is triggered, this also causes act errors

Example 3: Sequence

graph TD
A[render] --> B(show 'Loading...') -->|assert 'Loading...' exists| D(fetch returns) --> E(Show 'data')

Example 3: Solution

it("should display loading state", () => {
  const render(<ShowName />);
  expect(getByText("Loading ...")).toBeInTheDocument();
  await waitFor(() => {
    expect(queryByText("Loading ...")).not.toBeInTheDocument();

even better...

it("should display loading state", () => {
  const render(<ShowName />);
  expect(getByText("Loading ...")).toBeInTheDocument();
  await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => queryByText("Loading ..."));


Make sure the test exits after all the rendering and updates are done. To do that, we can wait for the loading state to disappear or assert on the content to come back (but that is probably a different test)

Alternatively, you can use waitForElementToBeRemoved which is a wrapper around waitFor.

Loading a library that attaches rendering states to inputs (like the Join team realised that react-hook-form does) which spurred this talk

Phew 😮‍💨

That was fun, questions?


before I jump into ordering selectors in React Testing Library, any questions?

Ill try to add questions and answers to this doc

Ordering of Queries in RTL

  • What should I use in what circumstance?
  • How do I remember all these queries?
  • Whats the difference?
  • Water break🚰

Types of queries

At high level there's 3 types

  • GET - returns match but fails if none found
    • getByText("Callum")
  • QUERY - returns match but null if none found
    • expect(queryByText("Callum").not.toBeInTheDocument())
  • FIND - returns promise that resolves with match found or errors on 1000ms timeout
    • await findByText("Callum")


Am trying to build it from ground up so this sticks in your mind as you'll be using it a lot

Single vs Multiple

  • Single (by)
    • getBy
    • queryBy
    • findBy
  • Multiple (allBy)
    • getAllBy
    • queryAllBy
    • findAllBy


let's evolve the get, query, find

The table

Query Type 0 Match 1 Match >1 Match Async/Await
Single Element
getBy... Throw error Return element Throw error No
queryBy... Return null Return element Throw error No
findBy... Throw error Return element Throw error Yes
Multiple Elements
getAllBy... Throw error Return array Return array No
queryAllBy... Return [] Return array Return array No
findAllBy... Throw error Return array Return array Yes


Now the high level

I'd strongly reccomend having this saved as a screenshot or a quick reference somewhere while you're getting used to react testing library as it's super handy

Order of querying

  1. Focus on accessibility (reflect the experience of visual/assistive users)
  2. Semantic Queries (HTML5 and ARIA compliant selectors)
  3. Test IDs (last resort, user cannot see or hear these)


Now to the meaty section

First we want to focus on querying elements that are exposed in the accessibility tree

This should be your top preference for just about everything. If you can't, it's possible your UI is inaccessible and need sto be re-written

Second we want to target HTML5 and ARIA compliant selectors

1. Focus on Accessibility

  • getByRole - can be used to query every element that is exposed in the accessibility tree
  • getByLabelText
    • Navigating form fields
  • getByText
    • Outside of forms, text content is the main way users find elements
  • getByDisplayValue
    • Navigate a page with filled in values


2. Semantic Queries

  • getByAltText - If your element is one which supports alt text (img, area, input, and any custom element), then you can use this to find that element.
  • getByTitle - The title attribute is not consistently read by screenreaders, and is not visible by default for sighted users

3. Test IDs

  • getByTestId: The user cannot see (or hear) these, so this is only recommended for cases where you can't match by role or text or it doesn't make sense (e.g. the text is dynamic).


  • use await findByRole() to avoid rendering problems and be as accessible as possible
  • check our console, act errors are painful and cause

Further Reading